Saturday, 16 March 2013

Productive Pedagogies - EDED20491 Week 2 Post #1

After realising that to complete the second assessment item I need to refer to what I write in the blogs I have decided to keep each blog post to a separate topic. Hence when responding to the weekly engagement activities there will be a separate post for each activity.

Engagement Activity 1: Productive Pedagogies

Think of a short learning sequence as an example. For instance, teaching a child about shoelaces. Add the sequence of steps to the boxes in the middle of the screen.

This tool already has two examples, that of an beach excursion and a town planning problem. The links to the productive pedagogies are made for these units. Do you agree with them? Now, use the tool to add your own series of learning steps. And then create the links to the productive pedagogies.
Now see how many links you can create to the productive pedagogies. Reflect on ways you could modify the activity to improve the pedagogy. Adjust your descriptions to suit. When you are finished, take a screen capture(or on a Mac)and save an image of your finished pedagogy map. If you are able (we will cover this later) upload the image to your blog, with a reflection on the value of this learning experience.

The productive pedagogies framework provides a useful theoretical framework to enable educators to critically reflect on their work. It can be used to assist in the design of good learning materials and pedagogical practices for face-to-face, online or distance education.
I realise now that my understanding of good pedagogy was not as good as I thought it was prior to starting this course. The use of critical frameworks such as the Productive Pedagogies framework will assist me to plan teaching activities that are authentic, embedded in a real-life context and connected to the world -- beyond the boundaries of the learning context when I am teaching. 
To adapt a quote from Wendy, learning, as is life, is messy and ill-defined.

Overview of the four major dimensions of Productive Pegagogies (from Slideshare below)

Tool to use for Engagement activity #1 Week 2
Productive Pedagogies on Slideshare


  1. Hi Jo
    Great use of slideshare tool. I haven't seen this before.
    Can you email our group and explain how you set it up.
    I would think teachers could use this tool to enhance online learning.
    Great work.

    1. Thanks Gary. I will try to get that done before the class on Tuesday.
