Friday, 8 March 2013

Learning Theory - Resource page

This blogpost has been created to assist me to keep track of the references and interesting webpages that discuss learning theories. I will add to it during the term so that I can use learning theories for reference when writing my assessment and planning my lessons.    

Added June 13, 2013
A simple guide to 4 complex learning theories. by Katie Lepi

Overviews of learning theory
Index of Learning Theories and Models (From David Jones)

Brenda Mergel The basics of behaviourism (From Wendy Fasso)

Cognitivism (From Wendy Fasso)
Tony Buzan video transcript


Stephen Downes What is connectivism? (my resources)
Kop, R., and A. Hill. 2008. Connectivism Learning theory of the future or vestige of the past. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning 9, no. 3. (From David Jones)
Siemens (2004) Connectivism: A learning theory for the digital age (From Wendy Fasso)

Limitations of Constructivism (my resources)
Vgotsky Social Constructivist (From Wendy Fasso)
Atherton J S (2011) Learning and Teaching; Constructivism in learning [On-line: UK] retrieved 19 May 2011 from

Digital natives / Gamification of education
Anoush Margaryan & Allison Littlejohn Are digital natives a myth or reality?: Students’ use of technologies for learning (From Wendy Fasso)
Beetham, H. & Sharpe, R. (2007) Rethinking pedagogy for a digital age. Routledge, NY. (From Wendy Fasso)
Marc Prensky (2001a)Digital natives or digital immigrants (Part 1)(From Wendy Fasso)
Marc Prensky (2001b) Digital natives or digital immigrants (Part 2). (From Wendy Fasso)
Marc Prensky (2005) Engage me or enrage me. (From Wendy Fasso)

Neil Selwyn (2009 ) The Digital native myth and reality (From Wendy Fasso)
Rose-Marie Thrupp (2010) ICT created diversity in the classroom: The contemporary learner (From Wendy Fasso)

Learning Styles
LEARNING STYLES AND STRATEGIES by Richard M. Felder & Barbara A. Soloman. (From Wendy Fasso)
Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire by Barbara A. Soloman & Richard M. Felder. (From Wendy Fasso)

Multiple Intelligences
Birmingham Grid for Learning (From Wendy Fasso)
Multiple intelligences (From Wendy Fasso)
Hans Paik One intelligence or many? Alternative approaches to cognitive abilities (From Wendy Fasso)

Transcript of Ken Robinson video 

Temperament Theory is a resource that allows students to test themselves for Myers-Briggs Personality type among other tests.Once your personality type has been identified you can link to one of four temperaments:
  • Guardian
  • Artisan
  • Rational
  • Idealist

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