Sunday, 24 March 2013

EDED20491 - Week 2 Just when I thought I was finished...

Synthesis of Bloom's Taxonomy and Engagement Theory

I thought that I had finished week 2 (at long last as it has taken me two weeks and week 4 has finished) and I check back over Wendy's Week 2 Checklist and find this: "Recommended: Synthesis of Bloom's Taxonomy and Engagement Theory". Engagement Theory? we didn't cover that in the course materials but a quick Google search reveals Engagement Theory  by Greg Kearsley & Ben Shneiderman. Where they state that
"Engagement theory has emerged from the authors' experiences teaching in electronic and distance education environments (see Shneiderman, 1994,1998; Shneiderman et al, 1995; Kearsley, 1997). The fundamental idea underlying engagement theory is that students must be meaningfully engaged in learning activities through interaction with others and worthwhile tasks. While in principle, such engagement could occur without the use of technology, we believe that technology can facilitate engagement in ways which are difficult to achieve otherwise. So engagement theory is intended to be a conceptual framework for technology-based learning and teaching."
Okay this sounds interesting but I really don't have time to engage (pun intended) with this now as I am already two weeks behind and the assessment deadlines are looming fast.

I would have thought that it would have been more appropriate given the readings for week 2 that we synthesise the TPACK framework and Blooms Taxonomy. 

I find both these conceptual frameworks useful but to synthesis them means engaging in higher order thinking skills and to do that I need a context. As yet I haven't started the prac teaching so don't understand the context. Best to list the resources and helpful links and come back to synthesise the TPACK framework and Blooms Taxonomy later.

Bloom's Taxonomy:
Bloom's Taxonomy (From EDED20491)
Andrew Churches website where he has created significant links between use of ICT and Blooms Taxonomy (From EDED20491) I really liked this document. I think it will be very useful to me when creating  learning materials.
CISCO Multi-modal Learning Design (From EDED20491) About using multi-modal resources to support learning.

Another resource is the blog post by David Jones on a Framework for e-learning design.

I covered TPACK in a previous blog post.

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